TSG Hoffenheim II
Germany Regionalliga South West Germany Regionalliga South West

2025/03/09 21:01

Weather GOOD
Field GOOD
scores HT 1:1

I: -0.25/2.75/10

L: -0.75/2.75 / -

HT scores FT
8:2 10:6
SGV Freiberg

yellow 2
red 0




Dangerous Attacks



On Target
Off Target
red 0
yellow 3


Facts & Figures Compared

Card 2' ~ 1st Yellow Card ~ ~(SGV Freiberg)
Goal 5' - 1st Goal - (TSG Hoffenheim II) -
Corner 6' - 1st Corner - TSG Hoffenheim II
Corner 11' - 2nd Corner - TSG Hoffenheim II
Goal 12' - 2nd Goal - (SGV Freiberg) -
d 17' - Race to 3 Corners - TSG Hoffenheim II
Corner 17' - 3rd Corner - TSG Hoffenheim II
Corner 24' - 4th Corner - TSG Hoffenheim II
d 24' - Race to 5 Corners - TSG Hoffenheim II
Corner 24' - 5th Corner - TSG Hoffenheim II
Card 28' ~ 2nd Yellow Card ~ ~(TSG Hoffenheim II)
Corner 29' - 6th Corner - SGV Freiberg
Corner 30' - 7th Corner - SGV Freiberg
Corner 34' - 8th Corner - TSG Hoffenheim II
Card 42' ~ 3rd Yellow Card ~ ~(TSG Hoffenheim II)
Corner 45' - 9th Corner - TSG Hoffenheim II
d 45' - Race to 7 Corners - TSG Hoffenheim II
Corner 45' - 10th Corner - TSG Hoffenheim II
h Score After First Half - 1-1
Goal 48' - 3rd Goal - (TSG Hoffenheim II) -
Corner 51' - 11th Corner - SGV Freiberg
Corner 55' - 12th Corner - SGV Freiberg
Goal 56' - 4th Goal - (SGV Freiberg) -
Goal 64' - 5th Goal - (SGV Freiberg) -
d 79' - Race to 9 Corners - TSG Hoffenheim II
Corner 79' - 13th Corner - TSG Hoffenheim II
Corner 80' - 14th Corner - SGV Freiberg
Corner 87' - 15th Corner - SGV Freiberg
Corner 90' - 16th Corner - TSG Hoffenheim II
Card 90+3' ~ 4th Yellow Card ~ ~(SGV Freiberg)
Card 90+6' ~ 5th Yellow Card ~ ~(SGV Freiberg)
e Score After Full Time - 2-3